Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Faustian bargain of the Clintons?

By Aussiegirl

Human Events interviews Ed Klein about his new biography of Hillary. He's not a man to mince words, obviously.

HE: Do you think people give the Clintons too much credit in terms of their power and influence?

Klein: I don't think they give them enough credit. This word is rarely used in politics, but I think the Clinton's are evil. And, I think the way Ronald Reagan described the Soviet Union as an evil empire, I would call the Clintons an evil duopoly; an evil husband and wife team in politics.

HE: When Christians think of "evil", they think of "un-Godly" Is this the same "evil" you speak of?�����

Klein: Yes it is.

HE: And why do you believe that?
Klein: I believe both of them have sold their souls to the devil in order to achieve power. One only has to look at their marriage to realize that Hillary has abided and even abetted Bill's serial philandering because she has connected herself to him in order to achieve her political goals. And, they claim to be [of] great adherence to Billy Graham and Christianity, and they claim to be God-fearing, church going, Bible reading people, but they violate so many of the Ten Commandments that one can only describe them as un-Godly.


At 8:28 PM, Blogger The Fly said...

If you ask me, Bill in charge of the UN is a step up from Boutros Boutros Ghali or Kofi Annan. At least then there'd be a somewhat pro-American SG.

Of course, I don't credit him in the slightest for being a good person, nor Shrillary the Hildebeast. They're both canniving, ruthless, two-faced, scheming politicians of the lowest caliber, and anyone who doesn't see right through them is a fool.

At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading your posts.


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