Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Pete Fisher: Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve

By Aussiegirl

Pete Fisher has some things to say about peaceful Islam as well, especially in light of the recent shocking beheadings of Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia.

Pete Fisher: Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve

Surah VIII 55 certainly spells out the mind of so many Muslims that walk in our midst in America, Europe, Canada, and Australia. We hear from our politicians and Liberal news sources about how peaceful this religion is supposed to be. We have seen the PC world take over and decide for us all that even to speak against Islam is as bad as speaking against a race of people simply due to the color of an individual.

But the issue here is not race. Islam is not a race; it should be like any other religion where one can freely study and contemplate the tenets and make a personal choice to adhere or not. Theoretically people should not be born into Islam or forced to follow Islam as I have been corrected many times by some Muslims over the years. But how can one argue with the words of the Koran? It is contained within the writings of Islam, world domination and eliminating the infidels is accepted and commanded.

What prompted me to write this was the recent warning in Indonesia to Christians in particular that followed the beheadings of some local Christians. Three school girls who were walking to their Christian school were attacked. One girl who escaped the beheading was severely injured. This is not a new issue either in the region, where similar situations have been ongoing for a long time. If this were an isolated incident, I would shrug it off as just that. Yet the echo of Islamic assaults on people rings on every continent inhabited by humans.

So many of these incidents go unreported and unchecked due to the local media being controlled or paralyzed by the Islamic government where they take place. One can ask the Copts in Egypt, or the Assyrians in Iraq, the Sudanese, the Russian schoolchildren who died at the hands of these Islamic “warriors”. One can ask the Pakistani Christians who have seen their churches destroyed after clearing the bodies of their children who were murdered inside them. Ask the Persian people who have a large underground movement to remove themselves from Islamic rule.

One can talk to Christians world over in Africa and the Middle East, Indonesia, they can talk with Hindus in India who have seen the blood of Muslim swords end the lives of their families and the rage of Muslim soldiers as they burned a temple to the ground. One can talk with a Muslim woman in Palestine or Saudi Arabia who has never been allowed to read or write. Never allowed to drive a car or walk to the store without male escort.

You can talk with the Muslim girls who were raped by a brother or uncle, and taken outside to be stoned for bringing dishonor to the family. Discuss in detail of the imprisonment of those who were found with a bible or simply exchanged religious knowledge with a Muslim and were deemed a danger to society for trying to convert a Muslim.


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