25 years late -- and a dollop short -- CBS admits ketchup is a vegetable

By Aussiegirl
In the words of one of our immortal bards: "You shake and shake the ketchup bottle -- first none'll come -- and then a lot'll." Oh, the lamentations and the rending of garments that took place 25 years ago over this tempest in a ketchup bottle. Proof positive that the Reagan administration had no heart was the harrowing accusation that dastardly Republicans, in their quest to permanently stunt the brain development of every minority child in America, had declared ketchup to be a vegetable. Turns out once again -- the great Ronald Reagan was not only prophetic -- he was correct. Sometimes you have to wait for those satisfying moments to come along. But pretty soon those little victories mount up.
Media Research Center
The October 2, 1981 New York Times provides a window into the media mindset of the time, with a reporter posing this question to President Reagan at a press conference the day before:
"The style of your administration is being called millionaires on parade. Do you feel that you are being sensitive enough to the symbolism of Republican mink coats, limousines, thousand-dollar-a-plate china at the White House, when ghetto kids are being told they can eat ketchup as a vegetable?"
Sadly, the identity of the person who posed this particular question was not reported in the Times, but this was a spin heard in various forms throughout the media landscape in the early 1980s.
On Tuesday, I received the usual late-afternoon "Inside Scoop" e-mail from CBS News, announcing the topics for that night's "Evening News" and the next morning's "Early Show." As always, the e-mail started out with an interesting quotation and a "Did You Know" fun fact.
The fact from CBS News: "DID YOU KNOW? 4 tablespoons of ketchup has about the same amount of nutrition as a ripe tomato."
So, you're telling me that when I was a "yoot" and absolutely hated eating my broccoli, putting ketchup on it in order to gag it down was a good thing. Perhaps those additional servings of vegetables I ingested in the form of ketchup explain my advanced brain development. Yeah O.K. it’s a reach but something caused it.
Except -- sorry -- tomatoes are fruits.
So, TJ, your mama never said -- "Eat your ketchup!"??
And Michael, correct as always. While technically yes, tomatoes are fruits of the vine (such a lovely phrase), for practical purposes we class them with vegetables -- that is unless you like to eat your tomatoes with a nice dollop (get it, get it?) of whipped cream on top.
And since you guys have showed up for this little conversation -- can I bring up another topic? On the subject of men never asking directions it occurred to me to wonder what men make of the new GPS devices in cars? Does it count if a machine gives you instructions? Since a machine cannot pillage and burn your villages and kidnap your women, and technically qualifies as a "toy", is it therefore allowable in the male universe?
I think you should make a new post of this.
You'll get LOTS of comments, starting with mine, if you hurry.
Good suggestion, Michael -- I think I'll do that tomorrow -- I'm too hungry and tired tonight. Hmm -- I think I'll have some ketchup on that meat loaf -- and maybe some tomatoes and broccoli too. Meanwhile, you can all be thinking of the conundrum that the GPS system presents to the male psyche.
Sorry to be soooo slow in accepting your invitation Aussiegirl but my Ketchup-fueled advanced brainpower has been placed at the disposal of my oh so lucky employer. Now that I have a free moment to ponder the GPS conundrum, it is quite simple really. GPS is the electronic replacement for the detailed mental maps we men store in our highly reliable memories. Many are further augmented with an on board compass. The newer user-friendly versions give additional navigation cues in a helpful (usually female) voice that guides you to your destination.
The perfection of GSP navigation is one of the final pieces of a diabolical plan by the feminists of the world to rid the planet of testosterone for good! We have foolishly helped remove ourselves from the reproduction equation by falling for the entire fertility research gamut. We have also selflessly donated our precious seed to sperm banks where it is lovingly cared for and stored for the eventual take over of the planet. Women have replaced most of the other useful services that men used to provide either by assuming those roles themselves or through technological means and I’m afraid the end is nigh my brothers.
Pillaging and burning skills just aren’t enough anymore. But, wait I think I detect a flaw in their GPS plan, thank god for Ketchup! Most GPS units are accurate within a few yards. That sliver of inaccuracy could leave them stranded a few feet away from their destination and without the helpful service station attendant on the corner (usually male) to help them those last few yards might as well be miles. It’s a slim hope but it may be all we have left.
GPS and all of the other electronic devices that have supplanted male efficacy are also vulnerable to an EMP attack, which if recent news reports are accurate may render the entire feminist plan moot. Then it will be right back to pillaging and burning. Skills in which men have demonstrated a proven ability and willingness to perform at a moments notice without the need of asking for directions!
TJ -- this is priceless -- personally I would be very sorry to see the role of men diminished in our culture -- after all -- who else are we going to get to take out the trash?
Fortunately, I think that men will never be truly replaced. Women have a built-in need to reform, transform and otherwise nag a member of the opposite sex -- it gives our lives meaning -- as such -- the driving instinct of nagging will ensure that males are always vital in our lives. Besides, without men our feet would get cold in bed.
Ronald Reagan was right -- men and women need each other, no matter how hard the left tries to convince us it's not true.
But of course, this all does bring up a vital point -- the manly role in our modern culture has been feminized and denigrated to the detriment of society as a whole. Where it used to be that Father Knows Best in sitcoms, nowadays the man is always portrayed as a buffoon. Of course, men don't help things by having such a fondness for "The Three Stooges" -- but then we are back to that argument again.
This is such a fun discussion I think I'll post a link to it on the main board. OK, guys -- anybody else?
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