Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Focus on the Family Action: California Education Bill Would Mandate Schools Endorse Homosexuality

By Aussiegirl

Reader Scribe sends the following link describing a proposed California law which represents and increasing trend in our public schools.

Focus on the Family Action: California Education Bill Would Mandate Schools Endorse Homosexuality

Senate Bill 1437 has passed from the California Senate Judiciary Committee and can at any moment be voted on by the whole Senate. If signed into law, it would force all public school teachers to present to students a one-sided message about homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender issues.

The bill would ban lessons, discussions and activities that reflect adversely upon one's sexual orientation , which would end any open discussion about the issue of homosexuality in public classrooms and effectively silence the Christian voice on the issue.

To compound this bias, the bill calls for all facets of education to be stripped of any non-endorsing messages about homosexuality.


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