Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Will I Be Censored?

By Aussiegirl

Arlene Peck dares to speak even though censored by the politically correct, unelected thought-police over at Google, who have decided that CAIR gets to exercise veto-power over the exercise of free speech in America. I've been harping on this for quite some time. This entire area has not been explored legally in a proper way. Can companies like Google, that provide a service that is akin to telephone service, nonetheless censor free speech because they are private corporations? Doesn't that make them akin to unelected tyrants who allow certain freedoms but not others depending on their whims? What if the telephone company listened in to your phone calls and decided that you were engaging in hate speech?

Will I Be Censored? by Arlene Peck - The New Media Journal.us

So, now that the death of the Wicked Witch of the Middle East, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, is an established fact, is it all right for me to write about it without being cited by Google for “hate speech?” After all, I am a columnist and commentator, which means that I write my opinions about things. But, of late, my free speech rights have been challenged and I have been slandered by the “spies, who censor” at Google, found to be a detriment to the wonderful world of Islam.
This was a little surprising to me as for years my syndicated column has passed muster with my American as well as many foreign readers, protected by the fundamental right to free speech, in countries that care about such things. However, now that Google is the new ‘protector’ there is no right of appeal, no trial, no defense allowed. I can't even be told who my accusers were. Now I can’t bat on “team Google.” I can no longer be read in China! But, thanks to Google, who is?

Actually, I liked it better when I was allowed to think and speak freely, before some minion over at CAIR could lodge a complaint. Now, whoosh, I'm gone.

At least that was what happened when I recently wrote a column for Frank Salvato, publisher of the New Media Journal. As a result, The New Media Journal was barred by Google’s news search engine apparently as a result of an article that I wrote, entitled “How Has Islam Enriched Your Life.” That was enough reason to single out my name and two others, and Frank was notified that he had been blocked from Google’s search engine because of ‘hate speech’ found in Arlene Peck’s column.

So, now I have to be very careful about what I have to say so that CAIR isn't offended by my writing, thus mobilizing the "thought police" at Google after me. Do you think that it would be all right for me to say that I’m delighted with my country's ability to target the killing of a savage like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and one of his key lieutenants? The lieutenant, by the way, was always referred to as “spiritual advisor” Sheik abd al-Rahman?


At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget Google. wordpress offers free blogs with better looking templates and more features. They will host your blog for free or hook you up with very affordable hosting solutions that are wordpress friendly. I don't believe they're into censoring either. Google is just not worth the hand wringing.


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