Have you ever heard the Sun?

By Aussiegirl
Here's what was in my mailbox today from Spaceweather.com:
Solar activity is about to increase--or so it seems. An active sunspot is hiding just behind the sun's eastern limb. For the past three days, it has been erupting, throwing clouds of magnetized gas high above the sun's surface where they can be seen from Earth. Some of these explosions have also produced strong radio bursts heard in the loudspeakers of ham-radio rigs. Soon, perhaps later today or tomorrow, the sun's rotation will turn the sunspot toward Earth, providing a direct view of the active region. If it is indeed a big spot, we could be in for some stormy space weather in the days ahead.
Visit Spaceweather.com for updates and to listen to the radio sounds of the sun.
Be sure to click on the link above to listen to the Sun -- the website describes the sound thus: "like a freight train rolling through".
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