Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

They have washed their hands of the matter

By Aussiegirl

Today, anger and the state of agitation, anxiety, anguish and indignation I have had for the last week or more have been replaced with a sense of profound resignation and sadness as we reach the end of the road of hope for saving Terri's life.

It is like watching the Crucifixion. Now we know how those who loved and believed in Christ must have suffered as they witnessed the angry mob demanding his death, and the officials and judges washing their hands of the matter.

Now there is only time for prayer and sadness and contemplation. At least we know that soon she shall be with the angels. Poor, poor Terri -- cut down at the age of 26 by this heartless monster. If only we could turn back the clock -- if only she had not stayed with him that night. Her girlfriend had asked her to stay with her overnight because she was afraid. But she said she would be all right. The next morning she was found unconscious on the floor with her neck bruised.

There is a can of worms of corruption and rot down there in Florida -- beginning with the courts and the police and sheriff departments, continuing on to the Protective Services and Social Services, including the nursing homes and hospices and the entire medical establishment. With all those old people there, Florida is now the breeding ground of government's eagerness to move people along so that they are not a drain on the public purse.

Sadly, I doubt that Jeb will do anything -- it's too late. She probably has suffered more damage from this period of dehydration and starvation.

And the judge has threatened that he will have sheriffs there to prevent Jeb from taking custody. Imagine -- this pipsqueak little state judge must be crowing right now -- he is in charge - and all the powers of the government are nothing against his magisterial authority.

Not only that, but we have to admit that there is so much corruption down there that Jeb may be afraid of the political scandal that will be uncovered if this is fully examined in public.

I fear that there will be no examination of anything. The media and the democrats and their judicial co-conspiritors have done their job.
We now see that elections are useless -- a majority in Congress is useless, having a Republican President and Governor is useless. God help us all!!

I am sad and resigned -- may God comfort the family and welcome Terri into his loving arms -- God knows she found few enough on this earth who would embrace her. Most people look at her and are repelled -- therefore they want to eliminate her to relieve their own discomfort -- their own fear that this might happen to them -- or God forbid -- one of their family. It would spoil this perfect world they have created for themselves, of designer clothes and big houses and stylish friends and plastic surgery, vacation, glamor, etc.

It is the state of our culture starkly placed into relief by this one tragic case of an innocent and helpless girl.

Put her out of sight - hide her from our eyes -- shelter us from the reality that life is about more than just trying to acquire as much as you can -- status, position, power, money, authority and beauty. Life is about compassion and love.

Once that is lost -- our society is lost, I'm afraid --- and those in power make gestures to appeal to the "right-to-lifers" because we are just one more constituency they need to appease so they can get our votes and retain their power.

But of what use is their power? If it was of no use to one lone girl -- then it can be of no use to the rest of us when we are in peril. How tragic -- how sad. I'm beyond anger -- just profound disappointment -- with the Congress who labored mightily and publicly through the night and brought forth this mouse of a piece of legislation. With the President for grandstanding and flying back to Washington in a show of support, which is all it turned out to be. With the courts which are so intent on protecting the power that they have seized that they will sacrifice as many innocents as are needed to the "higher good" of judicial supremacy. I am disappointed in Jeb Bush, who three weeks ago had new evidence of not only a change in the diagnosis of Terri, but new evidence of abuse by her "guardian", Michael Schiavo. When questioned at the press conference, an official from the Florida Protective Services read out the statute that provides the legal authority for the Governor or the Social Services to seize and place under protective custody an adult in danger.

He had the power -- he waited until the 11th hour -- because he hoped against hope that the Florida legislature would produce a bill. But with the refusal of 3 Republicans to agree to support the bill, the legislation was almost immediately killed following his press conference.

So I ask -- what was the point of the press conference? To tell us that he had the authority, but that he declined to use it? Why? Because he is afraid of the political fallout?

Let everyone who had power over this helpless girl examine their consciences in the dark hours of the watches of the night, when sleep will not come, when relatives fall ill, when disease comes knocking at the door -- let them examine their consciences and ask themselves if they did everything they could -- not just what was politically possible, safe or expedient.

We none of us are safe now. This was a pivotal case -- a case where the legislative and executive branches of government had a duty to reestablish their co-equal authority over the courts. Instead -- they feebly tried -- and then they all stepped back and admitted that the courts are supreme in our country -- even a little pipsqueak judge can tell Congress and the President and the Governor to go jump in the lake.

And they can all go home and wash their hands of the life and death of Terri Schiavo -- and say along with those who condemned Christ -- "My conscience is clear -- I did all I could do."

And sadly, this includes our President, a Republican Governor, and the entire Republican establishment who have proven themselves helpless and impotent in the face of the courts. Now they have cemented into perpetual precedent, that we live in a judicial oligarchy.

May God have mercy on their souls.


At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aussiegirl, this is about the most beautiful and powerful essay you have written yet. I was struck by this paragraph:
"Let everyone who had power over this helpless girl examine their consciences in the dark hours of the watches of the night, when sleep will not come, when relatives fall ill, when disease comes knocking at the door -- let them examine their consciences and ask themselves if they did everything they could -- not just what was politically possible, safe or expedient." It's sad to think that what you have written is true, that this was a pivotal case, and the bad guys won. To quote you again: "Now they have cemented into perpetual precedent, that we live in a judicial oligarchy."


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