Baby panda takes first steps -- awwww
By Aussiegirl
Washington's National Zoo has a baby panda born 3 months ago. He just took his first steps. No word on whether this qualifies him to serve on the Supreme Court, however.

The National Zoo's 3-month-old giant panda cub put his best paw forward Wednesday and took his first full steps.
Until then, the animal had only pulled himself around on his front legs, said chief veterinarian Suzan Murray. But soon after a medical exam _ when zoo vets placed the cub back in the cage he shares with his mother Mei Xiang _ they saw his rear legs kick into action.
"He was just moving his front end, and his hind legs sort of moved shakily behind him," Murray said. "It was really cute."
The cub's examiners also noticed for the first time Wednesday that his teeth have started coming in. At his last exam two weeks earlier, veterinarians merely saw bumps on his gums where the teeth would come through.
It will still be a while, however, before the cub starts gnawing on bamboo. He will not be weaned off his mother for another year, Murray said.
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