Hollywood plans foreign affairs
By BonnieBlueFlag

Well, I have an excellent source (Cindy Adams, NYP), who tells us today that Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine, is planning a March visit to the U.S. with his lovely American born wife, Kateryna. Kateryna (aka Katherine) Chumachenko was born of Ukrainian immigrants in Chicago, IL in 1961.
Kateryna Yushchenko has been called Ukraine's bridge to the West. Growing up she had to blend two worlds and cultures: American education and friends, with Ukrainian traditions and language that was still spoken at home by her parents.
My source also says that parties are being planned for Viktor and Kateryna Yushchenko in D.C., New York and Los Angeles. Why L.A. you might ask? Well, it seems that Hollywood movie producers are eager to meet with Viktor, regarding a "big-time" feature film of his life.
A movie about Viktor Yushchenko and the Orange Revolution could be very inspiring and enlightening, however, I have seen Hollywood's versions of history before, and am therefore doubtful that all the facts will be portrayed.
Hopefully, Viktor and Kateryna will retain script approval, etc., so that the movie doesn't become a revisionist history glorifying Vladimir Putin, so that the movie will have an opportunity to play to the Russian market.
BonnieB. That's such interesting news. I think it would be a great movie -- what a story. Now we should have a contest to see what title we could come up with for the movie. Any ideas? And who should play them? My only problem with that is I see so few movies nowadays that I don't know many contemporary stars. Please, anybody but Julia Roberts to play the part of Katya. And no one in Hollywood is as handsome as Viktor was before the poisoning. We have to find some little guy to play Putin -- Mickey Rooney is too old. The old impressionist Frank Gorshin, comes to mind, but nobody remembers him, and he's probably dead by now. John Malkovich has the air of ruthlessness about him that would work to play old Pootie-Poot.
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