Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Is Katie Holmes America writ small?

By Aussiegirl

An article in today's Fox online website by Roger Friedman talks of the sad case of a brainwashed Katie Holmes, who, with a Scientology minder by her side at all times has been turned into the perfect Hollywood Stepford fiancee -- the zombie-like beard for a (probably) homosexual and out of control Tom Cruise and his fanatical cult.

As I read this I thought that the sad spectacle of Katie Holmes is really America writ small -- America in microcosm, as we begin to wake from the last decades of steady brainwashing to which we have been subjected by the leftist establishment (they now ARE the establishment) and the combined forces of mass media, popular film and music, and a system of higher education in which an anti-American and leftist point of view predominates -- in everything from gender and race studies to biased accounts of our history. (I'm not saying it's a sinister plot, but it is undoubtedly what has happened).

As in all affairs of mankind -- human nature is the key which unlocks the mysteries of history and historical and cultural trends. Human nature is the reason communism has never worked successfully -- but, concomitantly, it is also why evil systems like Nazism and Communism were able to take hold for a time -- it seems there is never any lack of people who can be swayed by clever and charmismatic manipulative leaders and who fall into line when despotic regimes like this come into being.

The question is -- what are the fertile grounds upon which systems like this can sow themselves? We've seen it in the histories of Russia, China and Germany.

The question is -- to analyze what those emotional human factors (as well as political and economic ones) were that were present in those places to see if it can happen here. To a large extent it is beginning to happen. I was thinking about this this morning as I read Friedman's article. You say -- really, Aussie -- what are you wasting your time there for? Well, in defense of myself I can say -- how can one avoid these things? But I move on. I was moved recently by an idle and a somewhat prurient curiosity to follow a Drudge link and read the article in W Magazine.

It's truly frightening -- and sad. This foolish young girl -- driven by youth, inexperience, ambition and a desire for stardom has allowed herself to be completely taken over by this man who is a member of a dangerous cult, which is unquestionably what Scientology is. They follow the classic method for indoctrinating a cult member into any subculture. She is not allowed to be alone for even a second -- she has a minder -- who even follows her to the bathroom. All she can say over and over to every question is "Tom Cruise is the greatest man I have ever met and I adore him because he is so wonderful." (It's almost operatic in it's theme, really -- something of Margheritte in Foust, perhaps.)

So -- what does a cult do? It removes you from your familiar environment, it removes you from the influence of your family and severs family loyalties and ties. It severs you from your religious and spiritual beliefs, and instead convinces you that these very things which you found your grounding in, are in fact, evil and corrupting influences that must be rooted out. Further you are bombarded at every turn with the "new" philosophy which fills the vacuum created by the loss of family, self and belief.

This is what evil systems like communism and Nazism did -- systematically on a large scale.

And what is happening in our own culture? First you must make people hate their own families. The psychological and Freudian movement did that -- weren't we all blaming our parents and trying to rid ourselves of those cloying family bonds during the 60's and 70's?

Then the liberal culture slowly eroded all our cherished beliefs -- in mom, home and apple pie, patriotism -- in being American, basically -- and made us hate that. It eroded any values that we held and stated that everything is values-neutral -- whatever works for you - there is no right or wrong -- everything is morally relative. That's what the leftist counterculture was all about -- why do you think it was called "counterculture"? That's also been accomplished to to a large extent through the universities and a popular culture which preaches self-hatred, nihilism and self-gratification at the expense of all else.

Next we have wiped religion from the public square and driven it underground and severed the very roots of our government which was founded in Judeo-Christian thought. We have coarsened our popular culture to remove people's natural modesty, restraint and civility.

Once you have emptied the vessel -- as Cruise and his Scientologist buddies have done with Katie Holmes (America writ small) -- you can pour in all the poison of the cult or of leftist and socialist lunacy -- and the people (some of them) will swallow it.

At the foundation -- I truly believe that we are spiritual beings -- and that God has wired into us a need to believe in something higher.

I believe that there is something inherent in humans that makes us NEED to believe in something. All that needs to be done for an evil ideology to take hold is for enough people to be brainwashed in this way by the systematic erosion of our fundamental beliefs -- and then people will believe almost anything. Even that evil space aliens have attached themselves to your psyche (space aliens which were ejected from a volcano 10,000 years ago or some such nonsense) and that Ron Hubbard's auditing will unglue them from your psyche. Or that America is the source of all evil in the world -- and that Islam is somehow not an evil cult bent on destroying us, etc. etc.

But -- and here's the big but -- there's always human nature -- and there are ALWAYS people who are not swayed -- and these are the people whose stories we are read daily. Why are they this way and not the way of the others who conform? Ah -- there's the rub -- free will, I suppose -- and something in it of divinity, I think.

Katie Holmes' interview in W magazine has set off a firestorm. Reading it can only be even be more worrisome for her parents as they see the steady hold Tom Cruise and Scientology have taken of their beloved daughter.

There is no way to minimize the frightening aspect of the interview. Holmes, who previously was a sweet, thoughtful, articulate young woman, now comes across like a zombie.

She's accompanied on the interview by Jessica Feshbach Rodriguez, her Scientology minder.

You may remember that I told you about Feshbach some weeks ago. Her family is a top financial donor to Scientology. Feshbach, whom Holmes calls her "best friend" in the interview, after six weeks of knowing her, is a high-level Scientologist. According to the various Web sites that monitor the L. Ron Hubbard-founded religion, Feshbach completed courses called "Security Checker Internship," "False Purpose Rundown Auditorship" and "Clear Certainty."

According to those who accompanied Holmes through her various publicity trips this spring, Feshbach has never left her side. Neither have other "monitors" who followed Holmes everywhere she went, according to sources, constantly whispering in walkie talkie-like devices (those things that are strapped to wrists, connected to ear pieces) even when she was going to the bathroom. In the meantime:

. . . As for Holmes, the W interview conducted by Rob Haskell features comments from the omnipresent Feshbach (who goes by her second husband's name, Rodriguez).

When Holmes is asked to describe her feelings for Cruise, Feshbach interrupts and says, "You adore him."


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