The Best Verdict Money Can Buy
by: BonnieBlueFlag
Even if you didn't watch the Michael Jackson trial intently, which I didn't, there was no way that you could have avoided seeing the jurors, as they were interviewed everywhere after their "Not Guilty" verdict.
We all heard one particular older woman tell of the alleged victim's mother having snapped her fingers in the direction of the jurors during her testimony, in a "you know" gesture. It took very little encouragement from any of the interviewers, for her to repeat over and over again, her thoughts about the alleged victim's mother's actions.
This juror delighted in saying, "I thought to myself, don't you snap your fingers at me lady."
The very first time that I heard her say this, I knew! I knew, that she was willing to disregard the evidence that had been put before her, because she wanted to put the victim's mother in her place.
And today we find out that she and two others voted "Guilty" on the first ballot, and that two of those three, are writing books about Michael Jackson's guilt. How dare they profit from knowingly having put a pedophile back on the streets, to prey on other little boys and their families.
I thought that as a juror, you were supposed to stand by your convictions no mater what. A hung jury would not have been the worst thing to happen, the next dozen sexually abused boys, who grow up to abuse hundreds more, etc. Will be the worst that can happen.
Full story at the New York Daily News:
Jackson Jurors Flip
I sincerely hope that they will be able to stuff their pillows full of cash, and then sleep soundly every night, knowing that it was once in their power to stop the pain and suffering of little children to come.
Written by: BonnieBlueFlag
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