Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Harry Smith reveals unexpected threat facing hurricane evacuees

By Aussiegirl

CBS morning anchor Harry Smith, in the finest traditions of muckraking journalism, has uncovered a heretofore unknown danger which potentially threatens hurricane evacuees. With unerring courage and insight he zeroed in this morning on a potentially explosive problem which may have far-reaching implications for the future of our country, and for the very foundations of our democracy, much less the safety and well-being of evacuees.

What, you ask, is this terrifying specter? This horrific threat which lurks on the horizon, subtly threatening the very existence and soul of each survivor?

Why -- it is Christianity, my friend. That's right. Here you thought that Christian charities and churches were on the scene from the very first day. That it was Christian churches that had set up field kitchens and whose volunteers were going door to door in boats rescuing people. That it was Christian churches who were the first responders, sending in truckloads of water, food, fuel, generators and other relief supplies. That it was Christian churches who were donating money and making plans to take in evacuees and help them to rebuild their lives.

But Harry Smith sees a sinister plot. Here is the paraphrased question he put to the head of a Christian church charity involved in the hurricane relief. He asked if there wasn't a "danger" that people who were helped by Christian families would not face the possibility of being "proselytized" -- he further darkly explored the scenario whereby the Christian family would say to the evacuees -- "If you do not attend church with us on Sunday we will not feed you or your children." He worried that evacuees might be exposed to the Christian faith or to Bibles.

He might as well have said "Why, children, didn't you know that Christians kill and eat heathen children who refuse to attend church?"

Lord, save us from the journalists among us!


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Michael Morrison said...

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At 1:07 PM, Blogger Michael Morrison said...

Something similar happened with tsunami victims. A few wackos objected that Christian relief workers were "proselytizing" while handing out food and other aid.
What the Communist Broadcasting System anchor Smith as well as those wackos in Asia were saying is, obviously, "It's better to starve and/or drown than to be exposed to some possibly new ideas, especially ideas I disapprove of."
Harry Smith, obnoxious jerk that he might be, is just following in the tradition of such CBS stalwarts as Murrow and Cronkite ... and Rather.
(Sorry, I had a typo in the original.)

At 5:06 AM, Blogger TJW said...

I heard a report Monday that some of the chaplans with National Guard units sent in to help were handing out small bibles to some of the victims. It must be stopped! There will have to congressional investigations, televised of course.

What if these poor souls actually read them and found some solice within the pages of the good book while languishing for days, weeks, or months, in their temporary accomodations. The situation is dire indeed. Am I being facetious enough?

Honestly when I first heard the report my reaction was "how nice". That the small bible handed to these victims by a National Guard chaplan could be the very first personal item that they could call "their own" after losing

The news report was in fact about somebody complaining about the practice. Demanding to know if these bibles were paid for with tax dollars. Who gives a rip! There are more ways of helping people than just stuffing them full of Evian and MRE's.

Great post Aussiegirl


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