Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Are Conservatives the Black Voters of the Republican Party?

By Aussiegirl

Faithful readers will know that I have posited this very theory on UT quite some time ago. The Bush administration treats conservatives in the same way that the Democrat party treats blacks. Throw them a few bones at election time and then it's "hasta la vista, baby" until the next election.

HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE :: Are Conservatives the Black Voters of the Republican Party? by Mac Johnson: "These insults have been inflicted not in spite of the fact that conservatives are the most reliable part of the base -- but because of this.
Republican strategists, chasing after voters outside the faithful base, look at Conservatives and whisper "Where are they going to go if we slight them?" Essentially, strategists believe that they can stiff conservatives repeatedly, then throw them a few bones on Right to Life or Gay Marriage, and in the end they are still going to turn out and vote against John Kerry or Al Gore or whatever imbecile the Democrats next settle upon.
In many ways, Conservatives fill the same role for the Republicans as Blacks fill in the Democrat party. They are loved as a great resource at election time. But in between elections, blacks are all but ignored, as the Democrats struggle to woo fickle swing voters with moderate-sounding mumbo jumbo.


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