Furry Friends
By Aussiegirl
What an excellent idea Bonnie had. I just knew that sooner or later Bonnie and I would not be able to resist sharing pics of our beloved animals. I have read so much about the charming antics of Sterling, Bonnie's cat, and I never tire of hearing about him. Bonnie has other dogs and cats as well, and I'm sure she will tell us all about them in due course. There is something about the innocence and trust of an animal that touches you to your very soul.
Just thought I'd share some pics of my own babies. My two cats, Penny and Abby, were adopted from the Animal Shelter when our beloved cat of 15 years died. As it turned out they had both been given up because their owners had died -- so the first few months we all grieved together and got to know each other. Luckily for us, the cats have become the best of friends, engaging in frequent bouts of mutual grooming, mock battles, wild chases through the house and yard, and cuddling together when they sleep.
When you just can't take one more word about the madness of politics all you have to do is take some time out to observe the beauty and grace of a cat -- and their hilarious antics.

Penny and Abby strike a dashing pose on my Boston grand piano -- my pride and joy sitting on my pride and joy. They love to listen to the piano and whenever one of us plays they like to climb up and sit on the lid. Penny is especially fond of the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata, while Abby is very moved by Chopin. If I play something fast and light they get all excited and start running around the living room and playing with each other.

Abby (aka Miss Abigail Smartypants) reclines (cats tend to recline a lot) on the cover of our Endless Pool. She especially loves to ride the waves when the pool filter is running -- her very own personal, heated water bed with built-in wave motion. Penny is scared to death of getting on the pool cover because of course it is wobbly.

Penny (aka Miss Penelope Fluffybottoms)is of a very serious and thoughful disposition, as this pensive portrait will attest. She is very attuned to anyone who isn't feeling well and always rushes to console you if your tummy hurts or you seem upset.
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