Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Half human -- half monkey?

By Aussiegirl

Read this on a dark and stormy night and contemplate the moral and ethical questions raised.

SCIENTISTS have been warned that their latest experiments may accidently produce monkeys with brains more human than animal.

In cutting-edge experiments, scientists have injected human brain cells into monkey fetuses to study the effects.

Critics argue that if these fetuses are allowed to develop into self-aware subjects, science will be thrown into an ethical nightmare.

An eminent committee of American scientists will call for restrictions into the research, saying the outcome of such studies cannot be predicted and may in fact produce subjects with a 'super-animal' intelligence.

. . . This team will soon publish its conclusions in leading journal Science. In the report the committee will address such unsettling questions as whether introducing human cells into non-human primate brains could cause "significant physical or biochemical changes that make the brain more human-like" and how those changes could be detected.


At 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This stuff always make me feel very uneasy. It has to do with man treading in an area where only God should go. But there's nothing new in man wanting be a god. It was after all, the original lie.

At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Btw, Aussiegirl, I've put your blog in my links.

At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more with you, bonnieblueflag.

As a conservative, I am dismayed by a number of others who are apathetic or even bemused by such bizarre and grotesque examples of cruelty.

I am heartened to hear that there are others out there who feel as I do.

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello i'm looking for half monkeys and half humans because i live ion a rezerve and one day when the my grandpa saw this creature he didn't know what it was but he said it looked like monkey with long arms and big glowing eyes and he thought it was a boy but it wasn't.after that alot of people been seeing it. so i'm trying to figure out about this creature so i can do something about it so if you have anything interesting about what i'm saying it would be helpfull thanks.

writen by kezia harper


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