Ultima Thule

In ancient times the northernmost region of the habitable world - hence, any distant, unknown or mysterious land.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Where is the Iran policy

By Aussiegirl

This is an excellent article by Richard Ledeen which lays out the fundamental problem that our government seems to have no policy regarding Iran. President Bush talked a big game in his inaugural speech about standing with those who stand for democracy, but in Iran we have seen absolutely no support for the nascent pro-democracy groups and no assistance to an internal revolt. The policy seems to be to hope that by the time Iran has working nukes the mullahs will somehow have been magically replaced. The war in Iraq is now the only front in the war on terror, while the administration ignores the obvious intrusions of Syria and Iran into the fighting there. This is no way to win the war on terror. Unfortunately we've done nothing in N. Korea either, the talks there are a sham designed to kick the can down the road to the next administration.

Iran Bubbles Over -- Our enemy is still there.

While most media attention has been devoted to the 'diplomatic' United Nations visit of Iran's brand new terrorist president, Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nezhad, the fascinating turmoil within Iran, both inside the mullahcracy and between the mullahs and the Iranian people, has gone largely unreported. There are three basic reasons for this silence:
First, because no Western government -- sadly including the Bush administration -- has any intention of taking serious action against Iran, even though everyone knows that Iran is directly responsible for killing thousands of Iraqis and hundreds of Americans, Brits, and other Coalition soldiers and civilians.
Second, as a corollary to the first cause, because the whole question of Iran, which should be the central issue in the war against terrorism, has been reduced to a fatuous debate over the country's nuclear program, and the attendant phony negotiations between the EU 3 (Britain, Germany, and France) and the mullahs. It was obvious from the outset that no good could come from these talks, because Iran will not abandon its nuclear program and neither the Europeans nor the Bush administration are prepared to do anything serious about it. The sham nuclear negotiations were in large part a way of avoiding what should be the central issue: Iran's central role in the terror war against the West;


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