Bolton -- needed now more than ever
By Aussiegirl
Continuing right along with our meme from yesterday about the Chinese influence in Australia (posted just below), we find this piece in today's National Review Online by that former spymaster Ion Mihai Pacepa, on why the UN needs (and fears) someone like John Bolton. (Just an aside -- and I know it's petty, but would someone please tell John Bolton to ditch the 70's long hairstyle with the Beatle's forelock and white walrus moustache? He needn't turn himself into a metrosexual, but there is nothing like a well-groomed appearance to enhance one's professional image. Maybe it's a girl thing -- but that white Droopy Dog moustache drives me nuts. Now back to saving civilization as we know it.) It's a long article with loads of fascinating information -- I urge everyone to read the whole thing.
Here's an excerpt:
I spent two decades of my other life as a Communist spy chief, struggling to transform the U.N. into a kind of international socialist republic. The Communist bloc threw millions of dollars and thousands of people into that gigantic project. According to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, all employees from Eastern Bloc nations were involved in espionage. The task of this espionage army was not to steal secrets but to use the U.N. to convert the historical Arab and Islamic hatred of the Jews into a new hatred for Israel's main supporter, the United States. The U.N. became our petri dish, in which we nurtured a virulent strain of hatred for America, grown from the bacteria of Communism, anti-Semitism, nationalism, jingoism, and victimology.
During the years I was Nicolae Ceausescu's national-security adviser I learned that petty tyrants cannot be handled with kid gloves. You need an iron fist.
John Bolton not only acts forcefully, he also gets results. He singlehandedly brought about the repeal of U.N. Resolution 3379 of 1975, which stigmatized Zionism as "a form of racism and racial discrimination." That resolution was the Soviet bloc's first major "victory" at the U.N. Soon after it was adopted, the Communists unleashed a vitriolic disinformation campaign portraying the U.S. as a rapacious Zionist country run by a greedy "Council of the Elders of Zion" (a derisive epithet for the U.S. Congress) that was plotting to transform the rest of the world into a Jewish fiefdom.
U.N. Resolution 3379 lasted 16 years � until Bolton came along. In December 1991, this unknown undersecretary of State had the guts to tell the General Assembly of the U.N. that it had been manipulated by the Communists, and to ask its members to wake up. Bolton was so well-armed with documentation, so bold, and so straightforward that he forced the U.N. to repeal its own resolution by the great margin of 111 to 25. Even my native Romania, until then the epitome of Communism, voted with Bolton.
Bolton's success did not last long. Although the Cold War was pronounced "kaput," it did not end with a formal act of surrender, like other wars, or with the defeated enemy throwing down his weapons.
. . . It is significant that today's horrific terrorism has reenergized the Soviet bloc's former agitators around the world. Antonio Negri, a professor at the University of Padua who considered the brains of the Italian Red Brigades (a terrorist group financed by the Communists) and who served time in jail for his involvement in kidnapping Prime Minister Aldo Moro, is just one example. Negri coauthored a virulently anti-American book entitled Empire, in which he justifies Islamist terrorism as being a spearhead of "postmodern revolution" against American globalization, the new "empire" he claims is breaking up nation states and creating huge unemployment. The New York Times called this modern-day Communist Manifesto "the hot, smart book of the moment."
This is a familiar theme. For 27 years of my other life I was involved in creating various Antonio Negris throughout Western Europe and using them to spread the seductive theory of economic determinism that still defines the mindset of Europe's Left. I helped write the lyrics to the siren song according to which America, symbolizing the world's rich, is to blame for all the evils of the world. I was steeped in its rhetoric. To me today, these Cold War agitators revived by Kofi Annan's U.N. are even more disturbing than the terrorists' Kalashnikovs now aimed at us.
Nowadays it is considered bad manners to point a finger at Communist sources of anti-Americanism, but the truth is that the Soviet bloc's old U.N. bag of dirty tricks continues to bear fruit. In 2003, the U.N. expelled the U.S. from the Commission on Human Rights by the overwhelming vote of 33 to 3. By that time the United Nations General Assembly had already passed 408 resolutions condemning Israel, the only U.N. member prohibited from holding a seat on the Security Council. The cumulative number of votes cast against Israel since 1967? 55,642.
"Help us, Obi-Wan Bolton. You're our only hope."
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