by: BonnieBlueFlag
And, what a tumultuous year it has been!
One year ago this month, Aussiegirl was bitten by the "Blog Bug." She was hesitant at first, and unsure if there would be sufficient news and topics, to maintain the kind of Blog that she wanted it to be.
I was very supportive of her desire to set up the Blog, while being very careful to never say that I would shoulder any great amount of responsibility for its care and feeding, and the good lord knows it requires feeding day in and day out.
There is an old saying about boats, especially the larger ones . . . "A boat is a hole in the water that you pour money into." I often think of that saying when I think of Blogs, because, "A Blog is a hole in Cyberspace, that you pour your heart and soul into!"
My contribution initially was a few original items, the first being an essay about the deer, turkeys, and other wild life in my yard. I did think about that essay
Autumn Views recently, when I looked out over the yard and realized that I would soon be able to again say all the things that I had said that day.
As you might expect, we initially discussed and posted numerous things about the November presidential election, including pictures of John Kerry showing that he was indeed the long lost grandson of Frankenstein.
Aussiegirl was wonderful in keeping "Ultima Thule" current and interesting, while I continued to keep a lower profile, as I did not have the courage to be fully responsible for a Blog of my own. Throughout this time Aussiegirl was very encouraging to me, she was very helpful in building my confidence to post the items that I have written.
Then came the Ukrainian Orange Revolution! It was as if the fates had created a coincidence of circumstances that would be very special in an important age. Aussiegirl was someone of Ukrainian heritage who had not cast off her culture, or her language over the years, in favor of everything American.
Ultima Thule became an important place for people here, to learn in English about the Orange Revolution, and the people who would be quiet no longer, the people who wanted their freedom from Russia.
Ukrainians found Ultima Thule and recognized in Aussiegirl, a true friend and support in the US. In some instances, she was even able to teach them little things that had been lost to them over time, because of the Russian domination of Ukraine.
As for me, I learned a great deal. Old ideas and misconceptions about the people of Communist countries were put in the trash. Those misconceptions were replaced, with knowledge gained from someone who had first hand information about what her parents had lived through while in Ukraine, and what they had all endured in order to come to the United States via Australia.
Happy Anniversary to Aussiegirl and the Ultima Thule Blog.